White Thing Sighting From Early Seventies

Originally posted as a comment Tales of the White Thing.

I am from Eastern Kentucky, Johnson county. I grew up in the early seventies hearing stories about the White Thing. It was supposed to be a large apelike creature that walked on two legs. It was said to scream like a woman and most encounters were said to be near the river. I knew an elderly couple (in their seventies at the time) who told me about their encounter. It was supposed to have happened in the 1950′s, one night the couple’s dogs were stirred up something awful and before the husband could go outside to investigate, they saw a huge white creature standing outside the window. And it started scratching on the window. By the time the husband got his gun, it was gone. The next morning they actually found scratch marks deep on the glass of the window. Now this couple was a God fearing couple, who believed lying or even making up tales was the devils work. So I am convinced they did not make the story up and believed that it actually happened.

White Thing

1 Comment on “White Thing Sighting From Early Seventies

  1. The big feet are a race ready to launch an invasion on the human race. They hid in the caves and have more power than we know. They kidnap us and feast on our flesh. We must destroy bigfoot and his army. Huzzah I am Winston, John Winston.

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