The White Thing – Obion, Tennessee
An interesting story from the Glass Community Tennessee, near the town of Obion from
Report #25432 was submitted on February 06, 2009, but dates back to the late 1970s.
Well this is going to sound strange but, here it goes. I grew up in a small community were something else lived. I have talked to people from that area from three generations that have seen this thing. If you have never seen it most of the people that have won’t tell you much, they do not want anybody to think they are crazy!! I even knew one man who, is dead now that had a relationship (fed it and it was not afraid of him)it. Any way I seen it 3 times during my childhood 1 time from about 200 yards with 2 other people. The other 2 times I was alone. One of those times I was maybe 40 yards away coming home and it was in my back yard by a fence. But the last time was very intence, I was walking home from town (about 3 miles away)and it was pretty dark so I was looking down most of the time. I was about a quarter of a mile from home and I turned onto the street that led to my house. I walked about 30 feet and there it was. It was about 10 feet in front of me. It was down on it’s hands and feet doing something! It saw me at the same time I saw it, it stood up and we looked at each other for a few seconds (it seemed like forever) then it ran one way and I ran the other way. Now we always called it the White Thing. It looked like what most people think a big foot looks like except it is an off white color, it is about 8-9 feet tall. My father always said all of us kids were “seeing things” untill he found tracks while hunting. I know 30-40 people who have seen this thing.

BFRO sent an investigator, Ronie Powell to check out the report. He found the witness “very credible and down to earth, with an excellent recollection of the events”.
The creature appears to be a classic bigfoot like biped, over 8 feet with long arms. What sets this creature apart is the white dirty dingy color, instead of the classic sasquatch brown.
Part of the story includes a tale of a sighting by up to 20 children at one time and report that one of the locals had ‘befriended’ the creature to the point that they were feeding it. The witness claims to know 30 to 40 people who have had encounters with the creature.
Reports of the Glass Community White Thing go back at least three generations.
I lived in Obion for 62 years and in the rural area for 5 years and this is the first I have heard this tale.
It sounds a lot like the Wendigo legends from Canada. I choose to believe stuff like this because it is entertaining.
i am from daysville tn i grew up on storyies about the white thing. My aunt said that one night she herd something outside so she looked the white thing was in the back of her truck playing with a chain. There was also the story an old man who heard somthing in his chicken coop grabbed his gun and went to investigate the white was eating eating his chickens I have also talked to people who has seen in past ten years one boy said that he thought he was the only who ever sa.w it. most people think that it was some thing that escaped from the knoxville zoo
I grew up in TN and my parents have told me a story about a “White Thing” in KY. They said they, and alot of other people, were parked at this clearing and they saw this thing come out of the woods and pick up a near by dumpster and dump out the contents. After they saw it do that, they all left when they saw it do that. I have been told this and they say it’s true. I believe them because they aren’t the kind of people to just lie.
I seen a White Thing in southern Illinois about 45 years ago. I was face to face with it and it crawled on its hands and knees as fast as I ran. He also ran like we did one time when I saw it. My grandfather and his brothers seen one when they lived on a farm in southern Illinois
They are trying to guard us but are afraid of contact. Creatures are amounting an attack great than the Battle of the Bulge! The white things are our friends, they will lead the resistance before the beasts feast on our flesh. Huzzah I am Winston, John Winston!!
I grew up in Robertson co, Tennessee (close to Adairville, KY) and my mother’s family owned most of the land around our home for farming a long time ago. It was also near the red river. My mother’s grandfather was the first to spot and hear it’s loud screams. I have heard them before and it sounds like nothing you have ever heard of before. My cousin had it chasing him through the woods, my mother seen it as a child and she had also seen a smaller one. A lot of the farm animals in the area are found dead and eaten on. We had recently found a dog on the side of the road that had it’s throat torn out. It was dark outside and my mother begins to hear this growling sound and something large running towards her. She ran back to her car and went straight home. I’ve always thought that my mom was just messing around with me about it all, until I heard the sounds for myself. I’ve even had large rocks thrown at friends and myself when going to the river. We would always go at night bc it was spooky due to the stories. Once those rocks were thrown at us, we never went back at night, unless we were in a vehicle. My sister and her husband parked at the river a few months ago to eat their food…make out…etc. And she told me that something was pushing and hitting their car.
I plan on one day going out there with a larger group of people and try and record or take pictures around the area at night, in hopes to see it for the first time.
Okay. For one, my name is Timothy Dwyer. I have searched my life for this beast around Glass and Near the forests around the outskirts of Obion. I know what what was seen wasn’t human and sure as hell wasn’t a bear. It was too tall, too strong, and way too fast. Deep down in the bottoms near the Obion River Bridge that was closed down, I was walking one night with a few friends. We decided to go out and find what was making this weird, loud, screeching noise since I have experience hunting these things and have seen this thing more than once. I will tell you all this. Don’t disturb it. It lives in those woods and is not and I mean NOT leaving.
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