Black Hole UFO Seen Over Berkshire, UK
On the morning of Monday, September 28th, a Berkshire, UK resident saw a black balloon UFO hanging in the grey English sky.
I was taking my Daughter to work about 8am in the morning with a dusky daytime light, and above a house around the corner from us was a black perfect circle, not balloon shaped or with any kind of visible string. We sat and looked for a few minuets and it didn’t seem to move at all, and was a really dense black, we both thought we could explain it after watching but we couldn’t. I took this attached picture from my landing window when I got home, it was gone when I looked again at 10am.
Also friend of mine whos garden I tidy nearby mentioned it to me first on the following Friday & said she’d seen another from out of her front window which was larger.
The photograph of the object she mentioned is below.

The photo and description match other black balloon cluster and black balloon hole UFO sightings that have been reported on Whales In Space.
I have also seen this, we saw two in fact. We live in Caversham. Our sighting was 15th August at dust in the evening.
i was in that baloon!
i was with him in the balloon…..i was stood on the holo deck!…denis the menace.x
we saw one exactly like this on the 12th june 2010 at around half nine, ten at night but it was still light outside. it didnt move for a bit but then started falling downwards in a diagonal line. we looked at it for ages and it dissepeared behind the trees.
Could you give more details about your Black Hole UFO sighting?
I would like to make it its own post on our site
Where were you at?
What were the weather conditions?
How many people were with you?
Can you describe how it made you feel?
Any thing else of interest happen earlier that day? After?
Anything else you wish to add
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black hole ufo
hi i have seen 1 of them and it was coming towards me it was coming closer and closer towards me and at that moment u hurd a realy big bang in the sky and it was about 7 and they was 1 bright yellow light on it . ! it came closer and closer but after 2 mins it diserpiyers in to the clowds !
Hi am courtney and i am from the uk .
i saw this exact same thing 100%. near tilehurst train station. come over the roundabout from purley and it was over the houses to the right hand side. only about 5-7 feet maybe less above the house. i have looked again eversince and not seen it again. i wish i had stopped and got out and figured out what it was. but defo the same thing.
Me and my friend saw the same thing today, but there were like 10-15 of them, they were going at some speed and were all black, we are in the middle of Scotland. The wheather was gray clouds but when they went in to the clouds they went dusty yellow and peach, it was just me and my friend some others saw it and they thought it was a kite but it was way to high to be a kite and no string.
we wished we had taken a video or photo because no one belives what we saw. It was around about 7:15pm it was still light. hoped this helped we are still trying to figure out what it was! xx
I love how you all said the same thing rofl, I know none of you saw what she was seeing. And the girl in the UK? You must have been high as shit. But go ahead and keep lying 😉
ham u twat im talking about the picture. i come from reading and saw the actual black ball in the pic. look up the news report in GET READING its opposite tilehurst station. im telling ya it was not right. something dodgy for sure. defo not a balloon or marketing or any thing like that. im not a complete dick and i know what a balloon looks like. i was so much closer than the person taking this picture. Dont you think that if it was a balloon no one would really report it. may one if they wanna be wierd but not loads. and not enough to put pics on line.
I saw the “black balloon” UFOflying over Long Beach, CA (I cant recall the date as this was probably 15 years ago). I was chatting with a neighbor in our alley when another neighbor came out into the alley looking at the sky. Naturally I looked up to see what he was looking at, and I saw a black object almost overhead and traveling NE.
As everyone was watching the object , I ran into my garage and retrieved my binoculars. I was able to get a much better look at he object . It was not circular or pear shaped like a balloon.. It looked more like a giant rock, random shaped, and had what looked like craters or indents on its surface. My neighbor took a look through the binoculars , but at that point the object was much further in the distance. He said the object looked like ‘ a weird black garbage bag’.
The object was probably a mile high and moving silently about 30 to 50 mph. We lost sight of the object as trees had obstructed the view. My neighbor and I walked to the front of my house where there are less trees and from the street were able to see the object for another 30 seconds or so. There was a group of kids on bicycles who had seen the object too. A boy from the group rode up to us and asked what that was. I told I dont know, but probably a balloon. Suddenly a military helicopter (not like a Huey , but a longer narrow body with small side wings/pods like an Apache or Cobra attack helicopter) passed overhead traveling the exact direction as the object as if the helicopter was following the object. The sighting lasted maybe five minutes.