Man Loses Job After Looking For Aliens A Bit Too Much

Brad Niesluchowski has resigned from his job at the Higley Unified School District in Gilbert Arizona after being served a termination notice resulting from abusing his position by using work resources to look for alien life.
Higley officials so far estimate the damages, energy usage and equipment losses linked to Niesluchowski at $1.2 million to $1.6 million.
Niesluchowski had downloaded to every computer in the school district, the software SETI@home from the University of California-Berkeley that relies on volunteers and their personal computers to search satellite-collected data for signs of intelligent life in outer space. Also found on computers was another SETI-related program from UC-Berkeley, called “BOINC. After searching Niesluchowski’s home, police found 18 computers and other equipment stolen from the district.
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