FORTFEST A-Wake!: A Tribute to John Michell & John Keel

The International Fortean Organization (INFO) has put together an amazing weekend of speakers for FORTFEST A-Wake!: A Tribute to John Michell & John Keel.
The weekend is April 24 & 25, 2010
54th Conference on Anomalous Phenomena
Peabody Court Hotel, Baltimore, MD
Speakers include Joscelyn Godwin, Doug Skinner, Stephen Braude, Daniel Pinchbeck, cyptozoologist Gary Mangiacopra, Phyllis Benjamin, Orion Foxwood, and more.
FortFest 2010 in Baltimore April 24 will be awesome! FortFest is the mother ship of all fortean conferences and has been running for almost 50 years! We can’t wait to go to this year’s FortFest A-Wake in Baltimore on April 24! FortFest is honoring John Michell and John Keel. Cool! Great parties afterwards!