Questions Arise Concerning Stan Romanek's Room Break-In Claims
NOTE Updated 10/31/09: Thanks to commenter who set me straight concerning some of the facts. It seems the break in was not at the Doubletree Hotel, but at the home of Stan’s friend in Littleton. Douglas County Sherriff was contacted, and a report was made of the break in. I had misread Stan’s comment that he was at a friends house when his room at the Hotel was vandalized. This was incorrect.

At the ‘Galactic Gathering,’ a conference on extraterrestrial civilizations sponsored by The Institute for the Study of Galactic Civilizations, Stan Romanek stated that his room was broken in to and vandalized. In addition, conference visitors where told there was a bomb threat called into the Doubletree Hotel, where the conference as being held. Whales In Space reported on this unsettling tale of harassmentand was able to get Romanek to comment on the situation.
“What people don’t understand is just how much we’re being watched,” Romanek said. “We were staying in our friend’s house and ‘they’ only messed with our room. They jimmied the lock, ruined the door, flipped the mattress—but they didn’t take anything. All the police found was a piece of leather they thought might have come from a glove that had gotten caught.”

I emailed our contact at The Institute for the Study of Galactic Civilizations in search of more details of the story. Their contract with Romanek limited the information they were willing to share, but confirmed the bomb threat was before the conference and the room break in was during the conference.
I then contacted the Greenwood Village Police Department for a comment from them or any information from the police report that was public. Lieutenant C. R. “Randy” Corbitt, Badge #79-01, promptly returned my emails. The Greenwood Village Police Department has no record of any breaking and entering of a room at the Doubletree Hotel that weekend nor a bomb threat. On September 26th, they responded to a vehicle break in and they placed an extra patrol car in the area after a suspicious man was seen video taping conference attendees. Corbitt then confirmed that there are no other police departments handle criminal investigations at the Doubletree Hotel at 7801 E Orchard Road. Romanek’s claim of a investigation of his room by a police officer, finding a part of a leather glove, was not a member of the Greenwood Village Police Department.
I would be curious if Romanek got the officer’s name.
We could now kick into ‘high conspiracy’ mode.
Maybe the Greenwood Village Police Department did investigate and are covering up the bomb threat and break in. Maybe being told to do so by someone of higher authority or doing so for their own reasons.
Maybe the officer that investigated was someone or something posing as a police officer and the information never made it to the Greenwood Village Police Department.
Maybe the break in was a fabrication by Romanek to add some drama and excitement to his talk.
But there are problems with all these theories. At some point, I either have incomplete information or false information.
The break in was at the home of Stan’s friend in Littleton, where the Romanek’s were staying for the weekend. Douglas County Sherriff was contacted, and a report was made of the break in. The report did not include details of the Romanek case; rather, it was simply reported for documentation.
Thank you for making this clarification. This is a good example of how details of the Romanek case are misrepresented, misinterpreted, misunderstood, and how Stan gets accused of fabricating evidence. The Romanek case is indeed a true case of Extraterrestrial contact, and government harassment. There are a few of us fortunate enough to be close to Stan and his family who have experienced many, many things around Stan and Lisa, as well as independent contact regarding Stan (Starseed) and his mission! My message to anyone who is evaluating information on the Romanek case is to NOT believe EVERYTHING you read, unless it is coming from Stan’s website itself. Stan does a great job of keeping his site up to date with information.
I appreciate the additional information, but I strongly disagree that anyone should blindly follow Romanek’s information any more than they should blindly follow any single source.
Question everything and keep an open mind.
Yes, that is very good advice; question everything and keep an open mind!