DNA Tests On Possible Lake Monster

The Daily Courier, out of Kelowna British Columbia, reports two scientists have agreed to analyze the remains of a possible lake monster carcass, found by a kayaker on the shore of Okanagan Lake BC in mid June.
Okanagan Lake is the home of Ogopogo, a lake monster with thousands of sightings dating back to 1872. www.ogopogoquest.com has a small collection of the sightings online.
Ogopogo is described as your classic Loch Ness Monster/plesiosaur type creature and has quite the following, including being featured on a Canadian postage stamp and the mascot for Kelowna’s Western Hockey League team, the Kelowna Rockets.
The names of the scientists have not been released to protect their privacy.
I saw a fin of a lake monster at my camp in Stetson.
We must capture the creature and interrogate it for many moons. We must find out what it knows about the eventual creature invasion/. Cheese will be aplenty. Huzzah I am Winston, John Winston.