Two More Fireballs. Now Over Canada

In the past month, we have narrowly avoided being hit by a previously unknown 28 foot meteor on Nov 6th, had reports of large fireballs lighting up the sky over the Western US and South Africa and now two more fireballs on Nov 26th and then again on the 27th are being reported over Edmonton Canada.
At 7:15 AM on Thursday November 26th, a fireball was spotted traveling low along the horizon from the northeast to the east, the Telus World of Science says. The next morning, a second was seen to the west at about 5:50 a.m.
Could this increase in activity be related to the a mystery object that passed through Saturn’s F ring in June, leaving a trail of debris, less than a month after an object crashed into Jupiter?
There definitely seems to be an increased trend in fireball activity, dating back to the daylight sighting of the Texas Fireball on February 15th and all the other fireball related stories this year.
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